Thursday, October 31, 2019
Management high performance ip 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management high performance ip 2 - Essay Example ââ¬Å"No man is an island,â⬠so is an adage that has increasingly found favor in the work place, with hierarchical authority finding its way down to the lower cadre employees/subordinates. Organizational progress depends much on how much authority to act is devolves downwards, for no matter how hardworking and/or talented a manager is, only a limited amount of task can ever be done by an individual at the helm. Subordinates are always in control of situations that require their training skills, and so will more often than not be directly responsible for tasks performed on behalf of leaders. It is important to note that individuals with extensive job experience in their areas of expertise generally do a lot more without direct supervision from superior managers, thus, the delegation in making decisions. Delegation, in its broadest sense, simply refers to entrusting authority to deputies/assistants/subordinates for the accomplishment of assigned responsibilities (Anbuvelan, 2007). In other words, it is the consented transfer/sharing of the right to act on behalf of a principal/superior(s) within (an) organizational working dynamics. Accordingly, it is a critical aspect of getting the priced duties and responsibilities within an organization done not only as specified, but also on time; for it basically removes a portion of the burden from the top management, allowing them to focus more on the most important duties that keeps a firm solidly running (Shell, 2002). More importantly as oppose to contract-based forms of organizational transactions, work delegation require/work best with high-powered incentives along a continuum of distributed leadership, with the mangers/principals still answerable for any work done. Given the distributed workload as a result of transferred authority exercised in different fronts, a firm not only benefits by getting more work done concurrently, which by and large releases quite a significant chunk of time for other valuable
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Lactic acid and ethanol fermentation Lab Report
Lactic acid and ethanol fermentation - Lab Report Example The presence of CO2, released as the waste product is responsible for its foam like expansion as it forms bubbles in the dough. Ethanol, on the other hand evaporates from the dough completely after the bread is fully baked (Kratz, 2005). Ethanol fermentation that is carried out by yeast is employed for the production of nearly all beverages containing alcohol except for those produced by maceration of carbon. In addition, the production of wines and brandies is carried out by the process involving fermentation of natural sugar of fruits, especially that of grapes. While beers, ales and whiskeys are produced by the fermentation of grain starches that is converted to sugar by application of enzymes called amylase that is present in germinated grain kernels. Vodka is produced by the fermentation of amylase-treated grains or potatoes, while the first step involved in the production of rum is the fermentation of cane sugar. In each and every process the fermentation must take place in a v essel that is specifically arranged to allow CO2 to escape, but at the same time preventing the external air from coming in, as formation of ethanol can only take place in absence of oxygen. The yet another use of yeast fermentation of various carbohydrate products is to produce ethanol that can be used for the fuels. Ethanol fuel is ethyl alcohol, the same type of alcohol which is found in alcoholic beverages. It is mostly used as biofuels additive for gasoline in motor fuels (alcohol and you). Method and materials used for making wine For making wine, grapes or berries are crushed, depending upon the type of wine that is to be made. Yeast is then added to this mush of crushed fruits that consumes the sugars... The historic uses of fermentation were mostly the creation of alcoholic beverages such as mead, wine and beer, which date back to 7, 000 BC in some parts of Middle East. However, the fermentation of food items such as milk and other vegetables was experimented almost thousand years later. In 1857, Louis Pasteur, a French Chemist connected yeast to fermentation and defined it as respiration without air. Later, in 1907, Eduard Buchner, the German chemist found out that fermentation is actually caused by yeast secretions which can even take place outside the living cells. In 1920s, scientist discovered that extracts of muscle catalyze the formation of lactate from glucose in the absence of air. They also revealed that fermentation reactions are not peculiar to the action of yeast but can also occur in many other cases of glucose utilization. For making wine, grapes or berries are crushed, depending upon the type of wine that is to be made. Yeast is then added to this mush of crushed fruits that consumes the sugars released in their juices. A 5 gms packet of dry yeast or 35 ml to 175 ml of liquid yeast would be the right amount for making 5 gallons of wine.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Enhanced Frame-based Video Coding
Enhanced Frame-based Video Coding Abstract- This paper displays the improved edge based feature coding plan. The info source feature to the improved edge based feature encoder comprises of a rectangular-size feature and states of subjectively molded questions on feature outlines. The rectangular edge composition is encoded by the ordinary casing based coding method and the feature objects shape is encoded utilizing the form based vertex coding. It is conceivable to accomplish a few valuable substance based functionalities by using the shape data in the bit stream at the expense of a little overhead to the bitrate. Magic words Video coding, substance based, hyper feature, intuitiveness, shape coding, polygon. I. INTRODUCTION Through the years, the advanced feature engineering has been developing rapidly regarding the ways feature substance is delivered, conveyed, and devoured. Accordingly, clients are not content with just the pressure efficiency in a feature coding engineering; they are currently requesting more peculiarities. To meet the client requests, the new feature coding plans are obliged help substance based intuitiveness, permit content- based feature indexing and recovery, adapt up to data transfer capacity and bit slip rates of transmission systems, and accomplish retrogressive similarity with existing feature coding plans notwithstanding giving a decent squeezing efficiency. For this reason, the new feature encoders oblige the source info feature to be in such a structure, to the point that the feature substance can be effectively identified and described. The info feature source to the article based feature coding approach in MPEG-4 standard [1] is as discretionarily formed feature items and their shapes as demonstrated in Fig. 1(a). The MPEG-4 item based feature encourages client intuitiveness with individual items. Notwithstanding, the decoders focused around prior MPEG models are not equipped for interpreting the MPEG- 4 item based feature bit streams. Besides, the exact division of semantically compelling items from a rectangular feature still remains a testing issue. Then again, erroneous division of feature items might antagonistically influence the pressure efficiency [2]. In the sub-picture coding [3], a feature casing is apportioned into one or more client defined non-covering rectangular sub-pictures and a remaining foundation picture (see Fig. 1(b)). It is conceivable to appoint distinctive mistake insurance and quality levels to diverse sub-pictures focused around their imperativeness by utilizing sub-picture coding. In any case, the rectangular sub-pictures dont by and large speak to the genuine feature objects with which a client might want to cooperate. Some feature transmission plans propose typifying the MPEG-2 and the MPEG-4 feature streams inside the MPEG-2 vehicle stream to give the worth included administrations, for example, substance based intelligence [4]. Despite the fact that these plans furnish the retrograde similarity with the current (a) (b) Fig. 1. Cases of info source feature designs for (a) the MPEG-4 item based coding, and (b) the sub-picture coding. traditional MPEG-2 decoders, they have the disservice of considerably expanding the expense of the decoders so as to backing more than one MPEG standard. The goals of the proposed upgraded casing based feature encoder (EFBE) are the accompanying: 1) to serve as a basic augmentation of the customary edge based feature encoder architectures and to give retrogressive similarity, 2) to accomplish about the same execution as far as feature quality and packing proportion as contrasted with the ordinary edge based feature coding execution, and 3) to address the client requests for substance based functionalities. The construction modeling, the peculiarities and the execution of the upgraded edge based coding plan are portrayed in the accompanying. II. PROPOSED ENHANCED FRAME-BASED VIDEO CODING In the proposed improved casing based coding, the data source feature comprises of a rectangular-size feature and states of subjectively molded protests on feature outlines. We define the object of investment (OOI) in a rectangular edge feature as the subjectively formed semantically significant feature object which is of enthusiasm to a client. There are three steps included at the present time getting the coded representation of feature utilizing the improved edge based feature coding scheme:1) preprocessing, 2) encoding shape and composition, and 3) post- preparing. In the first step, an OOI is identified and its shape data is gotten as either a layout form representation or a division veil. The diagram shape representation of an OOI can be acquired by denoting the framework of OOI on the screen physically; along these lines the shape data can be effectively produced by a client. Programmed division [6] and self-loader division procedures [7]. For the proposed EFBE, the limits of portioned feature articles require just speak to a rough blueprint of the range having a place with a feature object and there is no necessity for division to be exact. In the second step, the rectangular casing surface and the feature objects shape are encoded. The square graph of the EFBE is indicated in Fig. 2. The post-preparing step includes partner the shape data with Fig.2 The enhanced frame-based video encoder. he composition of the item it speaks to. The state of an OOI identifies the range fitting in with the OOI on the rectangular casing feature so that the region carries on as a hotspot on the feature outline. This hotspot is connected with a connection to an alternate terminus like a hyperlink in the World Wide Web. This connection can be to either an alternate feature (which might possibly contain joins) or a HTTP protest, for example, a page, file, or CGI script. The following and in addition the connection data is multiplexed into the bit stream alongside surface and shape data. In this paper, we concentrate chiefly on the second venture to propose another feature encoding plan, Whatever the strategies utilized for preprocessing and post-transforming. Encoding shape and surface. As indicated in Fig. 2, the significant segments of the proposed EFBE are edge based composition coding and shape coding. The shape coding is performed in two steps: 1) polygonal rough guess of shape limit, and 2) vertex coding. The composition and shape bits are multiplexed into a solitary bit stream. The EFBE has two modes of operation: autonomous shape- surface (IST) mode and ward shape-composition (DST) mode. The IST/DST switch permits the exchanging between the two modes. In the IST mode, the rectangular edge surface and feature objects shape are encoded autonomously. Shape coding: Unlike the MPEG-4 which utilizes bitmap- based strategies for shape coding, the proposed EFBE utilizes form based method which fits the semantic shape characterization. The shape form as either the division veils limit or the framework shape representation of OOI is approximated by a polygon utilizing successive technique such that the separation between the polygon and the form is short of what or equivalent to a given average rough guess mistake à ´ . In consecutive strategy, the form is checked from an introductory indicate on the bend focus the longest conceivable edge having the rough guess blunder short of what or equivalent to à ´. The procedure is rehashed with the end purpose of the current edge as the following beginning stage. The vertices of the polygon are coded utilizing the article versatile vertex Fig 3. The horizontal and vertical distances of the vertex ai belonging to polygon A from polygon B. encoding system depicted in . The measure of shape mutilation is controlled by differing the estimation of à ´Ãâ ; the bigger the estimation of à ´ , the higher the shape twisting. Lossless shape coding is accomplished by setting à ´0 . The separation between the polygonal rough guesses of OOI shape in the current and the reference casing is utilized to catch the measure of worldly variety fit as a fiddle. The separation between two polygons is processed as takes after. Let A and B be the polygonal estimates of the current and the reference OOI shape. Let hi and vi be the flat and vertical separation of the ith vertex of A from B (see Fig. 3). At that point the separation of A from B is defined as DAB =max (di) where di=min(hi , vi ). For the objects of investment, for example, talking-head, the variety OOI fit as a fiddle over an arrangement of adjacent casings is typically little. Accordingly when the lossy shape coding is craved, the shape data is not transmitted with each casing. Rather, the polygonal estimate of the current OOI shape is coded and transmitted just if the separation between the polygonal estimates of the current and reference OOI shapes is more prominent than or equivalent to an edge T . Overall no shape data is transmitted in the current edge. At the decoder, the most as of late decoded shape is utilized to distinguish the OOI if no shape data is available in the current edge. 2) Texture coding: The essential steps of composition coding in the EFBE are basically the same as those in a normal rectangular edge based encoder. These fundamental steps comprise of separating a feature outline into an exhibit of essential units called macro squares and preparing every macro square by applying discrete cosine change, quantization and variable length coding. Truth be told, the surface coding square in the EFBE can be any rectangular edge based feature encoder (e.g., MPEG- 1, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 (basic profile) feature encoder). In our execution of EFBE, we have utilized MPEG-4 (straightforward profile) encoder for casing based feature composition coding. In the DST mode, the shape data is utilized to alter the composition coding parameters. The fundamental thought is to encode the composition in the area having a place with the polygonal estimate of the OOI shape with a finer quantization as contrasted with whatever remains of the feature outline. The quantizer qualities utilized for the two locales are installed in the header data which is annexed to the shape bit stream. At the decoder, the decoded shape data is used to accurately distinguish the locale fitting in with feature question on the feature outline and the quantizer data in the bit stream header is used for disentangling the edge surface. 3) Multiplexing shape and composition bits: The proposed upgraded casing based feature coding plan includes the multiplexing surface bits with the extra bits comprising of the shape bits and the bits that are produced by the post- preparing stage for following and connecting the objects of investment. The proposed improved casing based feature decoders would use the extra bits to give the substance based functionalities. We utilize the client information parcel insertion plan for MPEG-4 is depicted for this reason. We join the shape bits, extra header bits and the connection data bits into client information and spot the client information into the bit stream created by the edge based composition coding piece of the EFBE. III. FEATURES OF THE EFBE The construction modeling of the proposed EFBE is planned such that it can be actualized as a basic augmentation of a current casing based encoder structural planning. The main extra multifaceted nature that EFBE adds to a casing based encoder is that needed for shape coding. At the point when an EFBE bit stream is gotten by a current traditional edge based feature decoder, the shape data exhibit in the bit stream would essentially be overlooked and just rectangular casing composition would be decoded and showed. Since the shape and surface are encoded autonomously in the IST mode operation of EFBE, the IST mode furnishes the retrograde similarity with the routine edge based feature decoders. Notwithstanding, the DST mode of EFBE Fig. 4 The source videos used in our experiments: a) the first frame in Akiyo and the corresponding shape contour of the OOI, and b) the third frame in Foreman and the corresponding shape contour of the OOI, does not help retrogressive similarity with the current customary edge based decoders on the grounds that the composition coding is reliant on the shape data in this mode of operation. The installed shape data in the bit stream of the EFBE can be used to help a few substance based functionalities. At the beneficiary, the shape data of a feature protest in the bit stream encourages the identification of the locale having a place with the item as a hotspot on the rectangular casing. A hyperlink can be accommodated the item on the rectangular casing when a client initiates the article by clicking on the hotspot. Subsequently the decoded feature works just about like a Web page, permitting individuals to connect with the picture on the screen. Such a feature bit stream in which a connection and substance data is connected with a district on a feature casing is for the most part alluded to as Hyper Video. Besides, lossy shape coding can be utilized to accomplish higher clamping. The annotation of feature hyperlinks as little symbols containing the polygonal estimate of article con- visit can be shown at the base of the rectangular feature for a client to distinguish the problem areas in an edge. Here, the annotations give a thought regarding the present, past and next scenes to a client through the showcase of polygonal close estimations that give semantic depiction of the items in the scenes. This will permit a client to effortlessly look for a scene in a feature. Besides, amid quick forward or quick invert operations, no one but shape can be decoded and showed as opposed to deciphering the whole rectangular casing surface. In the event that the limits of the shape cover consummately match the genuine limits of OOI (as on account of shape data acquired through the standard blue-screen system in studio situations), one may pick the lossless shape coding by setting the polygonal estimate lapse à ´=0 . This permits the client to concentrate the OOI from the rectangular casing and overlay the OOI on a foundation picture of his own decision to show a feature scene which is unique in relation to the one present in the bit stream. The DST mode of the EFBE is fit for giving extra substance based functionalities, for example, allocating distinctive quality, clamping, and lapse insurance levels to the areas of investment and the remaining zones in a feature outline. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The ordinary edge based feature encoder (CFBE) in the MPEG-4 Verification Model (VM) programming [1] is utilized as the premise to actualize the proposed EFBE. We joined the accompanying modifications to VM programming: 1) expansion of our shape coding module, 2) conformity of quantization step focused around shape data in the DST mode, and 2) multiplexing the client information comprising of encoded shape data and the connection data of hotspots with the composition and header information. We utilize the first 100 edges of the 30hz CIF-size Akiyo and Foreman feature groupings and related OOI shape forms in our analyses. Fig. 4 demonstrates an example outline and related OOI shape form in the first features. The feature successions are encoded at 10 edges/sec; so there are 34 coded casings in the bit stream. Initially, we think about the execution of the IST mode of the EFBE with the execution of the CFBE. Since the surface coding in the IST mode of EFBE is the same as that in the CFBE, both the encoders yield the same feature quality. In this manner, we look at just the bit stream size. The accompanying encoder settings are utilized. A fixed quantization venture of Q=16 is utilized amid surface coding. For the EFBE, we have to define two extra parameters to be specific à ´ and T connected with shape coding. In our investigations, we set à ´=10 and we use T=0 for Akiyo and T=5 for the Foreman. The Fig. 5 demonstrates the polygonal rough guess of OOI in an edge for à ´=10 . The bitrates are recorded in Table I. Since T=5 is utilized for coding the state of Akiyo, we saw in our tests that the OOI shape was encoded in just four out of the 100 casings and the aggregate number shape bits in the whole bit stream was 720; 720/34=21 along these lines the normal number of shape bits for every edge is , which is an irrelevantly little esteem as contrasted with the normal number of surface bits. If there should be an occurrence of the Foreman, the state of OOI in each one casing is encoded in light of the fact that T=0. We watch that the shape bits are 0.125% and 1.29% of the surface bits for Q=8 and Q=16 , separately. On the other hand, this little extra overhead of shape bits in the EFBE bit stream as contrasted with the CFBE bit stream is incredibly justified by the benefit attained as far as a few helpful substance based functionalities that the shape data empowers. We introduce the correlation of the execution of the DST mode of the EFBE with that of the CFBE utilizing the Foreman feature. A fixed quantization venture of Q =16 is utilized for all the macro pieces in CFBE. Though in the DST mode operation of EFBE, a lower quantizer (Q =8) is utilized for OOI district and higher quantizer ( Q=31) is utilized for the remaining piece of the casing to attain almost the same composition bits as that needed by CFBE. For the shape coding in the DST mode of the EFBE, we set(à ´=10 T=0 ) . The quality and bitrate for the first Intra-edge encoded by the two encoders are exhibited in Table II. A higher PSNR for the OOI area is attained at the expense of lower PSNR for the foundation district as contrasted with the general PSNR acquired with the CFBE. The EFBE requires extra 128 bits for coding the state of the OOI V. CONCLUSIONS The building design and configuration of the proposed improved casing based feature encoder is introduced. The fundamental point of the proposed encoder is to give an upgrade to the traditional edge based coding. It is conceivable to attain a few helpful substance based functionalities by inserting the coded representation of a feature objects form alongside the coded surface in the bit stream,. The overhead of extra bits needed for shape coding is short of what 2% of the aggregate bits of the customary edge based coding in our exploratory results.
Friday, October 25, 2019
I Think Im Pretty Sure I Remember What You Did Last Summer :: English Literature Essays
I Think I'm Pretty Sure I Remember What You Did Last Summer After we ran over that old lady in Diegoââ¬â¢s car, well things havenââ¬â¢t been the same. I still have nightmares of her chasing me with that handbag. I told them to go to the police but Diego didnââ¬â¢t want to be put up for manslaughter. I canââ¬â¢t get the image out of my mind. I knew we shouldnââ¬â¢t have dumped her body in the Port River. If Luke werenââ¬â¢t so pissed that night he wouldnââ¬â¢t have distracted Diego. Benââ¬â¢s not the same anymore, he keeps on having these mental fits. I feel sorry for his parents, I mean the old lady even killed Michael for gods sake! Alastairââ¬â¢s been acting really weird too. Every time he sees an old lady he goes absolutely crazy. Anyway a good thing happened the other day, it was a far cry from all those murders that old bitch committed, she should be dead I mean I shot her in the head five times before pushing her in front of that semi-trailer. Anyway, the good thing is a radio station rang up and said that Iââ¬â¢d won a trip to Kangaroo Island and that I could take five mates along. So let me seeâ⬠¦I took Alastair, Ben, Diego, Luke and Jason. We all went in Diegoââ¬â¢s car. Alastair sat up front, Ben, Luke and I were in the back and we tied Jason to the roof racks with the entire luggage and Adam wanted to come so he ran behind us. We deliberately took the long way. When we arrived it was fantastic, I reckon it was a five star shack. Adam died of a heart attack when we got there so we burnt his body and pissed on his ashes, you knowâ⬠¦to make sure he didnââ¬â¢t come back to life and kill us all. Anyway we met the bloke who owned the shack, his name was Bill Oldladison and he was a pretty nice guy. He let us borrow his fishing gear and all. That night Luke decided to raise the alcohol level in his blood so he reached into his bag of booze and sucked on a bottle of Jim Beam. Alastair got hungry and asked Diego to go to the local pizza bar and get two party size pizzaââ¬â¢s but Diego didnââ¬â¢t want to go because he was waiting for some soccer show about Boca Juniors to start on SBS so he gave the keys to Luke.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Aphasia Essay
The terms ââ¬Ëjargon aphasiaââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëjargon agraphiaââ¬â¢ describe the production of incomprehensible language containing frequent phonological, semantic or neologistic errors in speech and writing, respectively. Here we describe two patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) who produced neologistic jargon either in speech or writing. We suggest that involvement of the posterior superior temporalââ¬âinferior parietal region may lead to a disconnection between stored lexical representations and language output pathways leading to aberrant activation of phonemes in neologistic jargon. Parietal lobe involvement is relatively unusual in PPA, perhaps accounting for the comparative rarity of jargon early in the course of these diseases. Aphasia is a communication disorder. Itââ¬â¢s a result of damage or injury to language parts of the brain. And itââ¬â¢s more common in older adults, particularly those who have had a stroke. Aphasia gets in the way of a personââ¬â¢s ability to use or understand words. Aphasia does not impair the personââ¬â¢s intelligence. People who have aphasia may have difficulty speaking and finding the ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠words to complete their thoughts. They may also have problems understanding conversation, reading and comprehending written words, writing words, and using numbers What Causes Aphasia? Aphasia is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury with damage to one or more parts of the brain that deal with language. According to the National Aphasia Association, about 25% to 40% of people who survive a stroke get aphasia. Aphasia may also be caused by a brain tumor, brain infection, or dementia such as Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease. In some cases, aphasia is a symptom of epilepsy or other neurological disorder. What Are the Types of Aphasia? There are types of aphasia. Each type can cause impairment that varies from mild to severe. Common types of aphasia include the following: * Expressive aphasia (non-fluent): With expressive aphasia, the person knows what he or she wants to say yet has difficulty communicating it to others. It doesnââ¬â¢t matter whether the person is trying to say or write what he or she is trying to communicate. Receptive aphasia (fluent): With receptive aphasia, the person can hear a voice or read the print, but may not understand the meaning of the message. Oftentimes, someone with receptive aphasia takes language literally. Their own speech may be disturbed because they do not understand their own language. * Anomic aphasia. With anomic aphasia, the person has word-finding difficulties. This is called anomia. Because of the difficulties, the person struggles to find the right words for speaking and writing. * Global aphasia. This is the most severe type of aphasia. It is often seen right after someone has a stroke. With global aphasia, the person has difficulty speaking and understanding words. In addition, the person is unable to read or write. * Primary progressive aphasia. Primary progressive aphasia is a rare disorder where people slowly lose their ability to talk, read, write, and comprehend what they hear in conversation over a period of time. With a stroke, aphasia may improve with proper therapy. There is no treatment to reverse primary progressive aphasia. People with primary progressive aphasia are able to communicate in ways other than speech. For instance, they might use gestures. And many benefit from a combination of speech therapy and medications. Aphasia may be mild or severe. With mild aphasia, the person may be able to converse yet have trouble finding the right word or understanding complex conversations. Severe aphasia limits the personââ¬â¢s ability to communicate. The person may say little and may not participate in or understand any conversation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Education â⬠Want Essay
We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique has their own opinion about an artwork, everyone has their own different interpretations of what an educated person is. One thing is clear though, in order to be a successful person in life, you do not need money, as well as in order to be an educated person, you do not need a college diploma. What you are willing to give up in order to become your best person depends on how much you truly want to accomplish that goal. Not everyone knows right away what they have a passion for. One has to explore new activities and only then will they be able to decide for themselves. Everyone expresses their opinion, and in my thought an educated person is the willing to put in time like Gladwell explains, claims their learning rights like Rich exercises, applies critical thinking and reasoning to work towards a success like Wagner emphasizes and lastly does not fall victim to adversity like my father focuses attention on. An educated person should always be willing to put in time. This means that they are willing to give up what they want now, for what they want most. For example, in Gladwell, Schoenfeld the math professor experimented with a young girl Renee, which took her approximately twenty-two minutes to figure the slope of a vertical line. ââ¬Å"This is eight-grade mathematicsâ⬠¦ If I put the average eighth grader in the same position as Renee, Iââ¬â¢m guessing that after the first few attempts, they would have said, ââ¬ËI donââ¬â¢t get it. I need you to explain it. ââ¬â¢ (Gladwell 2008, pp. 245). â⬠What Schoenfeld proved with this experiment was the willingness of Renee to continue the math problem. Of course, compared to the eighth grader, Renee had more self-discipline and wanted to continue on going until she was able to solve it. An educated person should be willing to put in time and work towards their goal. It will not be easy or given to the person, there is a lot of time and energy put to having what one wants. Another idea Gladwell explains is the amount of time one is willing to put in and how that makes one an expert. ââ¬Å"Researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: 10,000 hoursâ⬠(Gladwell 2008, pp. 40). Gladwellââ¬â¢s idea of hard work and dedication to whatever it is that you want to become an expert at takes at least 10,000 hours. I agree with him, but only to a certain point. It is true that in order to become someone well knowledgeable on a certain activity or topic one must practice and put in time. I do not necessarily agree that 10,000 hours should be the exact number for ââ¬Å"true expertiseâ⬠as Gladwell calls it, but it definitely should not be a few hours. For example, ideally doctors should be one of the most specialized fields. They are ones performing their knowledge on people and I honestly would not want a doctor that has gotten a few hours of practice to do anything to me, because there is more of a chance that they are not as experienced as someone else that has been working for decades as a doctor. An educated person should be willing to put in time to practice which is what makes someone good at their specialization. Richââ¬â¢s idea of ââ¬Å"claiming an educationâ⬠also applies within our pursuit to defining an educated person. Rich explains that a student should not think about education as ââ¬Å"receiving itâ⬠, but to be thought of as ââ¬Å"claiming itâ⬠(Rich 1979 pp. 365). Rich explains that claiming an education is taking as if one were the owner. I agree with Rich, students should have the mentality of taking the education being given to them. There is a difference between claiming what is rightfully yours, and taking what if rightfully yours. One difference is that when you claim something, you are putting in effort to learning what is being taught. For example, a student that goes to class and learns whatever the lesson was for that day, would in my terms be called receiving. On the other hand, if that same student were to go to the instructorââ¬â¢s office hours and basically use the resources that there are around campus, that would be claiming. The mere difference of going one step above the other makes the difference between the two. Rich also backs this idea of claiming, with the simple act of participating in class, becoming more engaged in class and the teacherââ¬â¢s professional life. This idea of claiming an education is not limited to those in school, because not every educated person goes to college, or needs a college degree. It is helpful in order to have something to fall back upon. One way we can connect the idea of claiming an education without going to school, could be my fatherââ¬â¢s story. His decision of dropping out of high school did not stop him from doing what he wanted to do. He claimed his rights to learning about how to create his own company and becoming a successful entrepreneur, without having a business college degree. Claiming your rights as a human being over all is what counts. Anyone should be able to express their passion for something. In my fatherââ¬â¢s case, he first started by working at a small local shop as a cashier, but he found himself not doing what he loved, ââ¬Å"I loved helping people, make their houses bigger or just fixing their house up for them. â⬠(Gomez 2014). My father eventually stopped receiving, and started claiming. An educated person is one who does not receive, but one that claims and demands their ability to practice their passion. Give a child a list of three words with a definition to each, allow them to memorize it and few minutes later, they can regurgitate it back to you. As an education major, it is easy to go a whole year teaching children a certain vocabulary words, or teaching them how to solve a math problem, but explaining why the answer is the answer, is a lot more difficult. Wagner explains that many students lack ââ¬Å"intellectual challengesâ⬠(Wagner 2008, pp. xxv). A class lacking intellectual challenge for students can cause a downfall in the future. Providing students with more rigorous work and questioning their solutions, prevents them from finding lessons uninteresting and eventually leading them to want to drop the course, or worse yet, want to drop out of school. For example in history class, one has to remember specific dates, but also know why several of these specific events happened or what lead to it. I was one of them. Rarely do students remember what lead to wars, or life historically changing events, like the great depression because they are just taught either to memorize the dates or they find it easier to only remember the dates and names of important historical figures. The same concept can be applied to mathematics, where one has to know how to solve the problem, but does not always know why a certain formula was used or why it only works with that certain problem. According to Wagner, knowing the answer is not sufficient, one must know and be able to critically think about the end result. Therefore, an educated person should be willing to not only claim their education, but also be able to apply more critical thinking and reasoning. Which by later exercising that through practicing and preparing, one can accomplish their goals. Lastly, I interviewed my father, because he is the first man I have ever admired. He was able to successfully carry out a career that he did not go to college for. Matter of fact, he never went to college, and only completed a few years of high school. Through my interview with him, he allowed me to truly appreciate and admire him a lot more. One main adversity he got through was coming in to the United States, he believes that without coming to the United States his success would not have been possible. ââ¬Å"Coming from a huge family, having 8 brothers and 7 sisters you did not always get what you wantedâ⬠(Gomez 2014). My father further explained that he was always having to share his things and he never had the opportunities that I have today. ââ¬Å"I had to run a whole mile in order to get to class, there were no buses, because we lived in the country, and I had to run to the city every morning to get to schoolâ⬠(Gomez 2014). My father continues with his story, ââ¬Å"every morning we all had to do chores, mine were taking care of the farm animals. I would milk the cows every morning and since I had to do my morning chores before school, sometimes I ran late and I had to go to school smelling like farm animals and sweatâ⬠(Gomez 2014). The dedication put into working back then is not the same today. For everything there is always an excuse made up. I myself have made many excuses, but it takes an educated person to not make excuses. He could have easily said I am not walking a mile to go to school, but he was determined. My father did not drop out of school because he was failing his classes. At age 18 he became an innocent victim in a shooting, in which he was shot in the stomach and had missed a big portion of his senior year. He was months away from graduating, but he never was able to complete his missed classes due to the lack of support from his teachers, he explained. He after started his own family and came to the United States when I was born. ââ¬Å"You are the luckiest one of everyone in the familyâ⬠he told me, ââ¬Å"your sisters do not have the opportunity that you have and an educated person is one who can make the best situation out of a tough oneâ⬠(Gomez 2014). Without doubt, my father was able to create a self-made company. He was the only one of his 15 siblings to become an entrepreneur, and today in my eyes he is the most successful. An educated person would ideally be my own father, who was willing to put in time to learn about his passion, claim his rights as a United States resident and created his own business, and lastly he did fall victim to adversity. An educated person and a successful person go hand in hand, but the definitions are endless, and open to many interpretations, but what makes either person educated or successful, depends on what they are willing to give up in order to become their best person. An educated person is one who no matter what is willing to put in time in order to be called an expert at his passion. Someone who rightfully claims the ability to carry out their love for their passion and lastly, someone who does not fall victim to adversity. ? Bibliography Gladwell, Malcolm. ââ¬Å"The 10,000-Hour Ruleâ⬠in Outliers, 34-68. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gladwell, Malcolm. ââ¬Å"Rice Paddies and Math Testsâ⬠in Outliers, 224-249. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gustavo Gomez, interview by Alondra Gomez, April 28, 2014. Rich, Adrienne. ââ¬Å"Claiming and Educationâ⬠in On Lies, Secrets and Silence, 365-369. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979. Wagner, Tony. The Global Achievement Gap, intro xix-xxviii. New York: Basic Books, 2008.
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